We grew giant carrots in our NYC garden. Find out tips and tricks to grow big carrots in your own vegetable garden.

Attack of the Surprise Giant Carrots!
Ok, so these giant carrots were a massive surprise. Because of Proxima being born in August, the garden has been a little neglected the past few months. We try to stop in weekly and cleanup, so you can imagine our surprise when we spotted these massive carrots poking out of the soil!
I’m not sure if you can tell how big they are, but take your thumb and index finger and connect them to make a circle. The carrots were bigger than that. Now extend your fingers a little bit more. Nope, still bigger than that. Ok, just look at how big they are!
Tips to Grow Big Carrots
- Don’t transplant carrots, sow the seeds directly in the garden bed, contianer or 5 gallon bucket you want to plant them in.
- Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep, 1 inch apart. I generally recommend over planting carrot seeds and then thinning them out as soon as the green tops poke through the ground. After thinning, you’ll want them about 2-3 inches apart, depending on the variety.
- If the seeds are too small for you to handle (they’re TINY!) check out pelleted carrot seeds.
- Carrots like drained loose soil. Having rocks in the soil will cause funky shaped carrots, and they won’t optimize in size. Make sure to break up the soil so they can grow deep roots.
- Relax, sometimes carrots take a bit to germinate.
- Water often and keep the soil moist, this will prevent the soil from crusting over on top. In the beginning be careful when watering to prevent from washing away the seeds.
What type of carrots do you grow?
We grow Hercules pelleted carrot seeds from Johnny’s Seeds. They are great for Summer, Fall and Winter, and can grow even in challenging soil types. Note: Not an affiliate link, we truly just love Johnny’s Seeds!
How long do carrots take to grow?
After planting seeds, carrots take approximately 65-80 days until you can harvest them.
How do I know when carrots are ready to pick?
We like to wait until the tops of the carrots start to pop out of the soil, teasing their vibrant orange color. Depending on the variety, the top of the carrots should be about 1-2 inch in diameter, or larger if you’re growing some big carrots.
Tip: Here’s how to store carrots for months.
I made a video a while back picking carrots that you can check out. It might help you visually to understand when carrots are ready to pick! In the video I also make carrot casserole!
What can I do with carrot tops?
You have 2 options. You can compost them (we like this tumbler for limited spaces) or make Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth. I prefer the 2nd option as the vegetable broth freezes great for Winter!
Recipes Using Carrots
Here’s some of my favorite carrot recipes.
- How to Cook Carrots in the Oven
- Carrot Souffle
- Carrot Cake Donuts
- Chocolate Chip Carrot Bread
- Healthy Potato Soup
- Slow Cooker Cauliflower Soup
- Ham and Cabbage Soup
Other Gardening Tips:
- How To Grow Broccoli From Seeds
- How to Grow Tomatoes From Seed
- How To Make a Sub Irrigated Planter
- Picking Our Winter Brussels Sprouts
- How to Presprout and Grow Sugar Snap Peas
- How to Use a Heat Mat and Thermometer for Seed Germination
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Pamela Reed says
Congrats! Veggie high fives!