Delicious recipe for Caramel TWIX Popcorn. A homemade caramel sauce is melted on the popcorn along with chopped up TWIX candy bars!
Today we’re going to make homemade Caramel Popcorn with some chopped up TWIX Bites candy bars on top. This recipe is happy snacking at it’s finest.
Homemade Caramel Popcorn
One of my favorite snacks at sporting events or carnivals is Caramel Popcorn. At the Brooklyn Nets game you can get a variety bucket of popcorn that has in it Caramel, Cheddar and Chocolate popcorn. It’s a beautiful snack. What I noticed is whenever we get this Matthew and I are always fighting over the caramel popcorn pieces, so I decided why not make some homemade caramel popcorn with chocolate thrown on top? I mean seriously.. isn’t life always better with chocolate on top?
TWIX Popcorn recipe
This popcorn is insane. It’s happiness. It’s smiles. It’s OH LA LA. It’s sweet. It’s crunchy. It’s worth all those sticky dishes due to the caramel sauce. Trust me.
The caramel sauce you’re going to make over the stove is made out of dreams. Whatever was left in the pot when I was done I basically let dry and then scraped it up with my hands and a spoon and ate it because I’m classy like that. Oh and the TWIX Bites you’re going to use on top? Addictive. I’m warning you now. I love these on the go snacks so much that I bought a undisclosed number of bags before I got around to finally making this recipe. I bought a bag specifically for this recipe and then we would just eat them all. And then we repeated this Again. And again. Don’t ask me how many Bites I ate! Also who wants to unwrap small candy bars? I love that these are all unwrapped for you…. quicker to eat! 🙂
So lets get on to this Caramel TWIX Popcorn already! Grab a bowl..
- 4 quarts popped popcorn this is 1/2 cup unpopped
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 cups brown sugar
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 7 oz bag of TWIX Bites - chopped in half
- If you are popping your own popcorn do this first.
- Place popcorn in large bowl.
- Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
- In a saucepan over medium high heat melt butter. Stir in brown sugar, corn syrup, salt and vanilla. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then don't stir it for 3 minutes straight, letting it continue to boil.
- Remove saucepan from heat and stir in baking soda.
- Pour this hot caramel mixture over your popcorn, stirring to coat all kernels. You need to move slightly quick during this part as the caramel dries.
- Prepare 2 large cookie sheets by spraying them with nonstick spray. Place popcorn on top trying to make it 1 layer.
- Put in the oven for 1 hour, stirring it every 20 minutes.
- Remove from oven and let cool completely. Break popcorn into pieces.
- Put popcorn in bowl, add in TWIX Bites and shake to combine.
- Enjoy!
Violet says
Looks very scrumptious, just wondering how to store it, airtight container or bag, in the fridge or no. Want to make some and give to the kids to take home.
Pamela says
Hey Violet, I store in air tight zipper bag or container…. but it never lasts long! Enjoy!
Anna says
Holy flipping bajinkas… BOOM diggity this looks AmAzInG!!! Making this, it is the perfect addition to my planned movie marathon on the weekend. ๐
Mir says
This recipe is heaven! I can never stop once I get started on Twix bites. They are definitely a dangerous substance. But so good!
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
I fully support your assertion that TWIX Bites are addictive – I won’t divulge how many I ate in one sitting either! I love the addition in popcorn and adding a little salty/sweet mix! #client
Jamie@Milk N Cookies says
This is such a fun idea, Pamela! My office always has big tins of popcorn (cheddar, caramel, and butter) around the holidays, and the caramel always seems to disappear first. I guess it’s a crowd favorite! Your homemade caramel corn looks delicious — especially with all those Twix bits thrown in!
Ami@NaiveCookCooks says
This is by far the best way to eat popcorn!! I wish I can sneak some of these in movie theatre!
Julia | says
What a delicious way to eat popcorn! Yum! Caramel is my favorite! So addictive!
Denise Browning@From Brazil To You says
Ai, ai, ai, Pam! I have a special weakness for twix. I have to make this twix popcorn soon. Only to look at these pics, it makes my mouth water.
Samina | The Cupcake Confession says
This is HAPPINESS in a bowl!!!!!!!!! I’m lovinggggg this!
Laura @ Raise Your Garden says
As I was eating stale popcorn a few nights ago, I was actually thinking, boy, I wish I had some crunchy salty caramelly flavor to this and bam, this pops up on my computer!!
Twix, now you’re talking, it’s the first thing I steal out of the kids trick-or-treat bags in the fall…..opps!
Jocelyn (Grandbaby Cakes) says
You are seriously an insane genius! This is so amazing!
Joanne says
Oh man, I wouldn’t be able to resist handful after handful of this!
Taylor @ Food Faith Fitness says
I can’t even handle the yum that is recipe is! Popcorn is my favorite…but with caramel and Twix? GIMME! Pinned