The Spring garden season has begun already, can you believe that? Seeds have been planted inside that will be transplanted in March. There’s broccoli, cauliflower, kale, onions, bok choy and collard greens planted so far. I’ll be doing a full post on planning soon, so keep a eye out on it!
But for this post, I wanted to celebrate a jalapeno plant. This special jalapeno plant grew all Summer long and somehow as of January 22, in the middle of Winter, it’s still producing jalapeno peppers every single week. How did we do it? Well we didn’t, the plant did it. How did we help it? Well that I an discuss….
First, a little list of dates as you know I love the facts.
Jalapeno seed planted: March 22
Transplanted seedling to the roof: May 1
Moved From Roof to Inside: November 10, 2014
January 21, 2015: Still producing peppers inside…
When cleaning up the garden for Winter in November, we noticed the jalapeno plants were still growing small peppers on them, including producing new flowers. Knowing that the plant would never survive Winter outside we began thinking how we could save it. I mean wasn’t the plant trying to tell us something?
So we thought, couldn’t we try moving the plant indoors? Sure, there would be shock, but we’d put it near a window, but would there be enough light? Well there’s only one way to try I guess. So we moved it from it’s 5 gallon bucket to a regular planter bucket. We did this so bugs wouldn’t come into the house, and also because the 5 gallon bucket has a watering hole in it.
Can we first check out the amazing roots on this one jalapeno plant grown in a bucket? Amazing!
So after the meticulous effort of getting the plant from bucket to container without breaking the plant, we finally got it in.
The new planter needed some additional potting mix so we filled it up.
So then we hulked up and carried this jalapeno plant down to our apartment.
We put him (its a boy, ok?) on our wire shelf at the very top next to the window. At this time it was all a experiment, would this work at all or would the plant be dead within days?
And then within a few weeks, the plants baby jalapeno peppers started to grow into full size. The plant itself also slowly starting to change from a yellow plant to a lush green plant.
And the plant kept growing… even when it was snowing out the window.
New flowers started to appear on the plant…
And then a few days ago, we picked all the jalapeno peppers off. There was a great mixture of green jalapenos and red jalapenos.
And then we sat back and thought “Little jalapeno plant, you are the best!” while marveling at our fresh jalapeno peppers in the middle of January when it’s 20 degrees out.
Did I mention that as of today, there are new flowers growing on the plant? Again? I don’t think anything can stop this jalapeno plant from growing!
This is something we’ll continue to do every year now, no jalapeno plant will be left behind, they’ll all move indoors with us!
I hope this caused some garden smiles and also will help you bring some of your Fall garden indoors with you! Sometimes that little plant can just do magical things…
Becky says
This is the first year I’ve tried to grow Jalapenos and I just picked 2 new fruits from my plants (2 days before the new year!), so I wanted to see if I could transplant it inside for the winter….granted, I am in SE Texas and we do not get down below freezing much, but I do not want to lose my little pepper family. ๐ Your story gives me hope that I can keep my peppers all year! They taste SOOOO much better than the ones I got from the store!!! ๐
Pamela says
Sending you jalapeno pepper well wishes Becky! I have a feeling your plant is going to do well and you’ll have peppers left for months! Good luck!
Dorothea says
I love this story! I have a newbie jalapeno plant my friend bought at the store. My friend gave it to me to have on my patio through the summer, but we had so much rain it was turning yellow. I put in more dirt to it’s pot after getting any excess water I could out of it. I started bringing it indoors whenever it would rain. My patio gets full sun from 11am to 6pm or longer. In only a week it dropped it’s yellow leaves and started to flower! Now it’s a beautiful green and has a two inch pepper growing plus more flowers! I hope my pepper plant will continue to grow beautifully even in the winter like yours! Thanks for sharing your story!
Pamela says
That’s awesome Dorothea, I hope you get a bunch of peppers! Right now it’s Summer time and our plants are exploding so we’re picking them by the pound. I’m hoping they do what their brother did last year when we bring them in for the Winter.
Steven says
What a Happy Jalapeno plant! … Thanks for sharing
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Amazing! Congratulations on your little jalapeno plant bearing such beautiful fruit even after being transplanted and brought indoors. Pure sunshine by the window and lots of loving care from excellent gardeners created sheer magic! I love all of your gardening posts, Pamela. Looking forward to the next one! xo
Anna @ shenANNAgans says
I totes thought you guys were experiencing record freezing at the moment, wouldnt have thought that encouraged anything much to grow. You sure do have ‘the touch’ when it comes to gardens. Wish I could beam you up to spend a day in my garden together. ๐
Miss Messy says
Wow this is so cool! I’d love to have a little jalepeno plant. Love that it kept on going and that you took it in to look after it ๐
PM says
Wow, this is so wonderful! Love your plant, and love the fact that you are still getting all these peppers from it now.
Choc Chip Uru says
Congrats my friend! These peppers look delicious ๐
Choc Chip Uru
Jess @ whatjessicabakednext says
You always inspire me to want to start growing more plants! I would definitely love to grow my own jalapenos now! ๐
Elisabeth says
Great post ๐
Sean Weber says
This is such a cool story, Pamela! Congratulations to you both on raising such an awesome jalapeno plant. Such pretty picture too. Wishing you continued green thumb good fortune!
Shikha @ Shikha la mode says
Awww it looks so lovely! Can’t wait to see what you’ll be making with them!
Melanie says
Congrats! That is so exciting you are getting so many peppers!!
Melanie @
Eileen says
YAY! We had a similar situation happening with our jalapeno plant this fall – in California! Lots of blossoms, all happening in October and November. I decided to experiment by just leaving it in the ground and seeing how far it could go, and it was pretty far! Our real cold snap hit right at the beginning of January. and killed the plant — but I still got to go out and pick a good twenty little peppers and stow them in the fridge for future endeavors. ๐ Maybe next year I should actually pot a jalapeno plant and try this out!
Christina says
Oh wow, I didn’t think I could do this in my kitchen! I shall try!
Stephanie says
Oh wow, what a healthy plant! It sure looks like it’s had some great TLC!
Angie@Angie's Recipes says
That’s awesome! Going to grow one or two this year too.
Katie says
UGH. I’m so jealous!!!
I’m almost out of candied jalapenos. They are definitely going on my “must grow” list for this coming summer! Is it summer yet?!?!?
Rachel Holliday says
That’s so cool! You have like an endless source of spice! The flowers are cute on it, I hope I keeps providing veggies for you!
Rachel xx
Betty says
Love it! What an amazing little plant. ๐ I wonder how long you can keep it going!
Sues says
Man, my life would be so much better if I had a jalapeรฑo plant… I love this!
Rosa says
Compliments on how much care you give to the plants, and especially for your beautiful pictures!!! You have made me want a plant like this, even if I have sworn to take in no more new plants ;-))
Elisabeth says
So interesting post
Shashi at Runninsrilankan says
Oh my – y’all are incredible! What a revival that little Jalapeno has had!
Ashley @ Wishes & Dishes says
Beautiful jalapenos! I saw the title of this post and just HAD to open it ๐
Kelly says
Aaaw, that is so awesome!!! ๐ Love that the plant kept growing even after you brought it inside. Those jalapenos are gorgeous!
Linda @ Veganosity says
This is one of the best stories I’ve read this year! What an awesome plant, and I’m so envious that you have so many fresh, homegrown jalapenos. ๐
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy says
I am so jealous! We have tried growing jalapeรฑos a few times and they have never taken for some reason. Trying again this year though, as we eat so many of them.
Kelly @ Hidden Fruits and Veggies says
That’s pretty amazing! I can hardly keep my plants alive long enough to give me any peppers… Super extra green thumbs over there!
Emma | Fork & Good says
This post made me smile – He looks like a very happy plant!