Step by step directions on how to remove fuzzies and lint from matted sherpa clothing and blankets. All you need is 3 supplies from the dollar store!
Ok so here’s how this post happened. Enceladus (my daughter for the new folks) has this beautiful Sherpa outfit – pants, sweater, oh gosh, she looks so cool when wears it. Being a kid though, she plays hard, often on the ground. A few hours of play and her Sherpa is covered with fuzzies, lint, dirt, and cat hair!
We’re not talking just attached, these fuzzies are embedded in the sherpa. I can’t even pull them out or I’ll risk ripping the sherpa. Wanting to save this Sherpa outfit, and always loving a challenge with stains, I had to get these fuzzies out!
And with just $5 worth the supplies, I was able to get her outfit back to looking good once again!
This method will remove fuzzies, lint, leaves, wood chips and more! I hope this helps you fix up your matted sherpa pullovers, clothing and blankets!
Tools You Need to Clean Sherpa
You’ll need 3 supplies, all that you can get from the dollar store. My dollar store doesn’t actually sell many things for a dollar (?!?!), so my bill came to $5.
- hair conditioner
- bristle brush
- spray bottle
First a few things about these items:
Hair Conditioner – just get whatever is cheapest. Nothing fancy.
Bristle Brush – it’s just a wooden handle with bristles on it. If you want, you can buy a better quality bristle brush on Amazon but the dollar store one does the trick. Also, if you have kids with long hair, you might already have a wet brush, these work great too.
Spray bottle – whatever is cheapest, it doesn’t really matter if it has a misting option or not. Amazon has cheap ones too.
How to Remove Fuzzies from Sherpa
Add 1/2 cup of water to your spray bottle, followed by 1/2 cup conditioner. I like to do a 1:1 ratio. Shake spray bottle to mix.
Now spray the matted down sherpa with conditioner mixture. Get it really wet, not dripping wet, but it should feel like you ran it under the sink.
Take your bristle brush and gently brush the area, in the same motion, again and again and again. Be careful not to press too hard on the sherpa, you don’t want to rip it.
As you can see the brush was removing all the fuzzies. I’ll clean up the brush with my hand and then keep on brushing. Continue until all the fuzzies and debris is removed from the clothing.
How to Wash Sherpa Clothing
After you clean up the sherpa, you can wash it as usual to remove the conditioner. Depending on the size you cleaned up, you might be able to just run under the sink (if it was a small area). For most clothing and blankets you will want to wash the full item.
Put sherpa in the washing machine and wash on a gentle cycle in cold water. Once finished, air dry and then fluff with your hands.
Tips on Washing Sherpa
- Never wash sherpa with other clothing or blankets, it can pick up the material from these items and stick to the sherpa.
- Always wash in cold water.
- Do not put sherpa in the dryer, it will shrink.
And just like that your sherpa clothing (or blanket!) is back to looking good! I hope this How to Remove Fuzzies from Sherpa tutorial helps you!
I never dreamed there was a solutrion for this vexing problem.. thanks!
Pamela Reed says
Happy to help! ๐