Fall has been here for a few weeks so let’s talk changing of the seasons in the garden! Fall means the hearty crops are back, lots of bushy greens and getting ready to anxiously await that first Frost. Even though Summer is over, it doesn’t mean gardening is done – it never is!
This Fall we are growing Sugar Snap Peas, Kale, Cucumbers, Spinach, Lettuce, Radishes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Pumpkins, Soybeans and Carrots. We have also begun planning for Winter where we will be growing Brussels Sprouts and Pak Choi. If you’d like to stay updated with our Garden Calendar, you can always check this link out (found in the sidebar too). I periodically update it whenever anything is planted or transplanted. This is super helpful in knowing the exact date we plant and preparing for the next year so I would definitely recommend always keeping track of your garden schedule. We come back to this page many times during the year.
The broccoli and cauliflower were transplanted on both August 15 and September 5 as we are trying to space them out slightly. Here is the broccoli ready to move into it’s new container home.
And here it is living in it’s new luxurious container condominium. We usually grow 3-4 broccoli or cauliflower plants per container. This year we will be growing 18 separate plants.
Just a few days ago I spotted this, it was a pleasant surprise to see the broccoli heads already starting to pop out and say hello!
Some more views of the broccoli and cauliflower:
One of our favorite Spring and Fall plants are Sugar Snap Peas. These not only are delicious for snacking but they make some of the best quick and easy pasta dishes! Peas were planted directly into the soil on July 31 and have just begun producing peas which will last a few weeks.
The peas are planted in all 3 boxes. Who’s going to make it to the top of the fence first?
We’re kale crazy so we went from our 4 summer plants to 10 plants. The kale got transplanted into their container on August 3. Here it is as a little baby..
Here’s 6 of our new kale plants:
Do you spot our other 4 kale plants which have been growing since Spring? We learned a few years ago that Kale will grow throughout the seasons!
I’m in loooooooove with youuuuuu.
Pumpkin season is here, so I love nothing more than picking our own pumpkins in the garden!
I title this picture “Pumpkin looking over it’s city”. Look at how hazy that day is by the way, you can hardly see Manhattan.
Our cucumbers are one of the surprises of 2013, they have done such an amazing job, to the point of I can’t fit anything else into the bottom shelf of our refrigerator as it’s completely filled with pickles!
Our tomatoes are still producing!
We planted 2 more boxes of soybeans which are almost ready to pick. If you remember we just harvested some soybeans, but don’t worry I have some soybean snack recipes hidden up my pink silk sleeves.
I always love to see the transition of the garden from season to season. The bright colors of Summer are close to over, to be replaced by dark luscious greens.
And then we get ready for winter, here are some of our seedlings we have begun to harden off. My goal this winter is 2 words: Brussels Sprouts.
Here are some videos I did as part of the Gardenieres on container gardening. You can apply container gardening to anything you grow, really – I mean anything! Our entire garden is containers, so if you are thinking on giving container gardening a shot, I would strongly urge you give it a try. Not only is it perfect for spaces that you can’t grow directly into the ground (like our roof), but it’s also great for actual yard spaces. If we had a actual yard, we would still container garden our plants, the results have been exciting. The other great thing about sub irrigated containers is you never will doubt if there is too little or too much water. Because there is a hole in the bottom of the container, when the water comes out – then you know you can stop watering. If no water is coming, keep on watering!
Here is a Step by Step on how we make our Strawberry Buckets. We use Home Depot 5 gallon buckets. Our strawberries are doing awesome this year, even giving me handfuls in October.
[youtube id=”ap3v81f2XLw” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]
Here is a Step by Step on how to make your own Herb Garden Container. This works great on growing healthy herbs, but this is also the basic technique we use for the majority of all our plants (from tomatoes to pumpkins to broccoli).
[youtube id=”mhBu5SsW1G4″ width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]
Hope you enjoyed the videos, let me know if you have any questions! 🙂 Are you gardening this Fall? If so, let me know all about it!
Carissa @ Pretty/Hungry says
Hi Pamela! I found you through your comment on my blog! Glad to know about your Brooklyn roof garden. This is my first year to try planting in the fall, I’m trying out kale and pumpkins too. What fun! I’m excited to follow along with all your gardening expertise!
Pamela says
Good luck with your kale and pumpkins, some of my favorites!
Charlie@Seattle Trekker says
Wonderful how to gardening tips, I really found the information, photos, and the videos to be really helpful.
Pamela says
So happy to hear Charlie, lots of garden success to you!
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Girl, you are ah-mazing! And, yes…gardening never ends for you. You just blow my mind in all that you accomplish. LOVE the beautiful (perfect looking) pumpkin overlooking its city. And, that kale…just gorgeous! Pamela, you are truly inspiring and very blessed. Thanks ever so much for sharing. I always enjoy all the sneak peeks! xo
Pamela says
Thank you Stacy! You make the kale blush! 😉
laurie f says
Gardening in kansas this year was tough…we had a biblical size plague of grasshoppers and they ate all of the herbs and made the garden sad and scary place….we dont like pesticides and really think that next year we should try containers. Thanks for the tips!
Pamela says
Hey Laurie, sorry to hear about this this year! I hope you give containers a try, let me know if you ever have any questions!
Sophie33 says
Your videos are so cool & you look cool & you explain everything very well! Thanks for that!
Your garden is still producing massive veggies! Yummmm!
Pamela says
Thanks Sophie! 🙂
Ruby @ The Ruby Red Apron says
I love love love your garden! Very admirable work! I’m feeling a little motivated now. And brussels sprouts are my favorite!
Pamela says
Thanks so much Ruby!
Monet says
You are a gardening genius. I kept on thinking “Oh I so wish we were growing ….” after each of your pics! I hope you have a killer crop of Brussels though. Those are my favorite! Thank you for sharing, my friend!
Pamela says
I’m hoping for Brussels Sprouts victory too! Thanks Monet!
Koko says
I love watching your videos!!! You rock!! 🙂 Your garden is amazing.
Pamela says
Thanks Koko!
Kelly says
I always love seeing gorgeous pictures of your garden – it’s so inspiring and truly incredible! 🙂
Pamela says
Thanks so much Kelly!
Shundara@SavyNaturalista says
I need inspiration because my garden is dead, I still have watermelon vines growing but your garden looks lovely..
Pamela says
Thanks for stopping by! Watermelon is one of my favorite summer plants, good luck to yours!
Debra says
I think I have commented before that my grandmother made those same red, white, gray and black afghans. I have got nothing planted for fall, alas. Fortunately, we have some covered hoop houses. I have got to get motivated this weekend!
Pamela says
Grandmothers are the best, Matthew’s grandmother made us ours. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you’re growing for the Fall!
The Sketched Chef says
Your garden is so beautiful !
Pamela says
Thank you!
Monica says
You are a garden wizard! I can just imagine the pride you guys must feel from growing all that amazing produce yourself! It is truly inspiring. Maybe I’ll work up the nerve to grow (maintain) a few herb plants next Spring…
Pamela says
I hope you give it a try Monica! Thank you!
Mary Frances @ The Sweet {Tooth{ Life says
You don’t just have a green thumb … its at least emerald! Its obvious you spend a lot of time working in your garden and on these posts. The pumpkin and the brussels sprouts sound so good!
Pamela says
Thanks Mary Frances! I wish my thumb was sparkly too!
Consuelo @ Honey & Figs says
Your ny garden is incredibly, seriously! x
Pamela says
Thanks Consuelo!
Jaclyn says
I look forward to these posts so much. Your garden is so inspiring, I keep passing this onto family and friends because I’m continually impressed with it!
Pamela says
Aww, thanks so much Jaclyn!
Samina | The Cupcake Confession says
Wow!!!! your garden looks so lush green! Lovingggg the variety of plants that you grow! Your work truly inspires me! Someday when I have my own place, I’m definitely gonna use the terrace space for this! Loveeeeee your work ! PS: The strawberries! I can’t stop staring at them! And that Pumpkin….GORGEOUS! ^_^
Pamela says
The pumpkin and strawberries are blushing! 😉
Laura @ Lauras Baking Talent says
Love seeing pics of your garden 🙂
Pamela says
Thanks Laura!
Pam says
You guys inspire me to start a serious garden.
Pamela says
Do it Pam!
Amy @ Elephant Eats says
I am always so so inspired/impressed with your garden posts. When we finally move into our house (not til the spring 🙁 ) I will definitely be consulting you…though I’m not sure if I’m organized enough to handle all this! Although, I will definitely be starting on a much smaller scale. I have a feeling we might need to grow everything in containers in our yard because I’m worried about the possibility of lead in the soil, since the house is 85 yrs old. I suppose I could get it tested, but since you love container gardening so much, i should just do that!
Pamela says
Testing would be a great idea, but if you do decide to grow in containers, let me know if you have any questions. I really really really (and really) love container gardening. 🙂
Kim (Feed Me, Seymour) says
I really love it when you do these pieces on gardening with how-tos. I just planted my first batch of lettuce so it’s always great to see a few tips and tricks here and there. But man, your garden is amazing!
Pamela says
Good luck with that lettuce Kim! 🙂
rika@veganmiam says
You are a fabulous and inspiring gardener – I’ve learned so much about you and your gardening tips! I have always wanted to grow some bigger produces cucumbers, radishes, broccoli, pumpkin, and cauliflower. We only had herbs (cilantro, Thai basil, basil, etc) in the big pots back home in Oregon.
Pamela says
Hope you give it a shot Rika! Radishes are a great way to begin, they grow fairly easily and in just a few weeks!
Bam's Kitchen says
You have been a very busy girl. You have had a wonderful harvest and great video too. I love that roof top area you have, great space!
Pamela says
Thank you!
tt says
Wow, you do some serious gardening, it must have been a lot of work setting all of that up. We live in a semi rural area that is mostly sand. I have added some compost to my garden spot and this year I am getting horse manure from a friend. At least on the roof you don’t have to worry about deer or rabbits! Next spring I have to put a fence around the garden, all of my green beans were eaten. What do you use to fertilize?
Pamela says
That stinks about the beans, hoping those rabbits stay away next year! For our 4×4 boxes we use manure and our compost soil. Also we like to water occasionally with compost tea. With our potting mix containers, we fertilize in the very beginning with some plant food around the very outsides of the box. Occasionally we’ll water these with compost tea directly into the mix as well, especially when the plants are young. This always gives them a quick boost!