How to use Double Tomato Cages for Tall Tomato Plants. Easy step by step instructions on how to stack the cages. This will help prevent your tomato plants from falling over and keep them growing big and strong!
Well it’s that time of the year where the heat hits and the tomatoes start to take off to the sky!
To make sure our tomatoes grow big and get the support they need we always add cages on almost as soon as they are planted. It’s always easier to put on cages when the tomato plants are small rather then later when they are already bushy. If you’ve ever attempted to put a tomato cage on a bushy tomato plant then you can probably understand the frustration that could be involved with this.
Not only do we put 1 tomato cage on the tomatoes, but we double them up. In the past our tomato plants often grow over 6 feet tall so to make sure they stay supported with the heavy wind and encourage their growth we stack a tomato cage on top of the other.
This is done by using zip ties to attach them and then tying the tomato cages to our structure with twine. Wind is a big deal on the roof so we always double make sure everything is locked down.
So recently we headed to the roof to get all the tomato cages added. Besides the tomatoes, we always add cages to the peppers and tomatillos as well. Since the peppers don’t grow as tall as the tomatoes, they only need one cage to support them.
Tomato Cages for Tall Tomato Plants
First up, organizing the cages. You can use any sizes but we prefer the heavy duty 42″ cages for double stacking.
We zip tie together all the legs on the cages for the top ones. Then we put tape over it. Bringing the legs together makes it less dangerous so there’s no sharp ends sticking out.
Here you can see some tomato cages that are doubled and then some pepper plants that only have single cages. We use both 54 inch and 42 inch size cages.
And here you’ll spot a Matthew jumping into the picture with some beautiful tomato plants.
Since this photo was taken, the green peppers have really exploded.
We now have a bunch of baby peppers growing too! Super exciting!
Zip ties are one of things we use most in the garden, along with Velcro and twine. You can never have too much.
So now all the tomatoes are caged and ready to start growing tall.
And it pretty much makes my day to start spotting tomatoes! Isn’t it amazing to see all the stages of cherry tomatoes on the vine, from small tomato on left to flower on right? Nature, it’s always awesome.
Once your tomatoes are ready make sure to make my stewed tomatoes and cherry tomato sauce recipes!
Rebecca Conn says
Hi Pamela. Just joined up. Pleased to meet you and your family. My husband and I visited Brooklyn a few years ago and loved it!
Pamela Reed says
So happy to have you here Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Yomamma says
Do you realize that you are using the Tomato Cages upside down? The end you taped goes into the ground!
Pamela says
lol please re-read the post – this is about double stacking them.
Loraine Harnisch says
I cook Korean Beef all the time! My quick & easy go to now!
Tom Sibal says
I use concrete re-enforcement mesh that is used for pouring sidewalks and driveways to make my tomato cages. It can easily be found at places like Lowes and Menards. It comes in a large roll that is 6 feet tall that I used to make seven or eight cages. The openings are about 6 inches square making it easy to pick the tomatoes and it lasts for years. You’ll need some heavy cutters to cut the wire but it’s well worth the effort and much stronger and long-lasting than anything else you find in the garden center. I use two stakes per cage that are about 4 feet tall to keep them in place.
Katie says
I have no idea why, but this just showed up in my feed tonight, ironically right after I came inside from caging my tomatoes! I’ve used those cages in the past and they are never strong enough to hold my tomatoes up – they are usually both too short AND too flimsy. This year, I bought a HUGE roll of heavy duty concrete wire fencing – the stuff they lay under concrete. For about $50, I got enough to cage all 15 tomatoes, with some to spare to cage in my raspberry bushes. MOst of my tomatoes are small enough that they weren’t annoying, but I have waited too long in the past and you are not kidding – it sucks!
One was caged in an older, smaller cage and I removed it to add the bigger and better cage and I’m kicking myself. I broke off several of the branches in the process, all to save myself from having to buy another $3 cage. Silly Katie.
Sophie says
First, I like the look of your new blog! Pretty cool !!! 🙂
Your tomato cages & plants look so healthy & are growing bigger each day! Well done you! 🙂
That ice-tea looks so refreshing !! Yum!
Megan says
I’ve been staking my tomatoes, but I think I may try cages next year. I’m always out there re-velcroing them and making sure they have support in all the right places!
Ashley | Spoonful of Flavor says
Your garden never ceases to amaze me, Pamela! I would love to take a tour of your garden and sit down to have glass of refreshing tea with you 🙂
Pamela says
I’d love that too.. with some cats on our laps. 😉
John@Kitchen Riffs says
I always plant the cages at the same time I plant the tomatoes themselves. Never thought to double the cages, though — wonderful idea! Thanks.
Sophie says
They all will grow very big, for sure! These types of tomato cages, we can’t get over here in Belgium!
laurasmess says
Ha! I’m loving Matthew’s ‘cool as a cucumber’ (or tomato?) poses in this post. So awesome. As for the rest of the post, yayyyyyy!!! I always get so inspired when I see your rooftop garden posts. Still hanging out to pick edamame with you one day! x
Pamela says
I wish girl! Me and the edamame are ready for you! 🙂
Kelly says
Wow, I can’t wait to see your tomatoes again this year! I know they’re going to look gorgeous! I spent all morning outside and a big glass of iced tea is just what I need to cool down with – looks so refreshing 🙂
Olivia - Primavera Kitchen says
Thanks a lot for the tomato cages information. I planted tomato few weeks ago, so now I will make sure I am doing the right thing. Great post 😉