I had a successful pregnancy and then 3 recurrent miscarriages in a row in a year. Here’s my story and how I’m trying to stay positive.
When I got pregnant this time around, I had really positive feelings about it. I told myself that this baby was going to survive and that Enceladus was going to have a sibling. I’m not sure why I was so positive, but I was. So break my heart, but I had a miscarriage. Again. And again.
Let me back up a bit.
In 2017 we had a healthy baby girl. Her name is Enceladus and she’s the joy of our lives. She’s my best friend and I love her beyond describable words. That pregnancy (my first ever) was pretty much uneventful ( I mean besides changing our lives forever). I got pregnant pretty quickly after we started trying. There weren’t any complications and I felt good throughout the entire pregnancy. Call me crazy, but I kinda liked being pregnant. I felt healthy and I liked feeling my baby tumble around in my big belly. 39 weeks later, with just 10 minutes of being in the delivery room, Enceladus entered the world in a rush.
18 months later we decided that we wanted to give Enceladus a little sibling that she could play with (and boss around). We figured it would be relatively easy to get pregnant again. After all, the first time around went so smooth. But we were wrong. It hasn’t been easy. It’s been full of blood tests, unanswered questions and tears.
We’ve had 3 miscarriages this year, in the span of 10 months. In January I had the first. We cancelled a family ski trip because I was distraught and in pain. In June, I discovered I was having my 2nd miscarriage during a Upstate trip to celebrate Enceladus’s 2nd birthday. In October, I had my 3rd miscarriage – this one I was positive was going to be ok.
The first miscarriage in January came around 6 weeks. I started bleeding, getting crampy and I pretty much knew what was happening. A phone call with a nurse confirmed I was having a misscarriage. She didn’t seem alarmed, said it happens, and told me there was no reason to come to the office. Since I was early on, it would flush itself out naturally. Great.
In June, I started bleeding on a family trip. I told myself that maybe it was normal to bleeding like this. Then it got heavier, and I pretty much knew was happening. This was around 7 weeks. I went in for my 8 week ultrasound knowing there was a 99% chance this wasn’t going to be a good appointment, but I still had that 1% hope. That’s the thing with miscarriages, you still always have that pinch of hope. Well, a quick internal ultrasound and a sad look by my Doctor told me everything. The baby was no longer even there.
After 2 miscarriages, the Doctor had me do an endless set of blood tests. There were so many blood tests, sometimes they called me in for extra ones because the lab didn’t have enough blood to run them all. It wasn’t fun. Then I got an ultrasound – external and internal – also not fun.
The good news, everything looked good. There was nothing alarming with the blood test results and everything under the hood looked a’ok.
The bad news, then why did I have 2 back to back miscarriages? Did anyone have answers for why this was happening?
The doctor cleared us to try again when we felt up for it. We felt up for it. We wanted another baby. So we waited for my cycle to become regular again.
Btw, here’s the thing that no one ever tells you about miscarriages. They mess up your cycle dramatically. You bleed for weeks. It’s painful. There’s so much blood. Then you get your period (finally) and you bleed again, for longer than usual. Everything you think you know about your body changes. It’s frustrating.
So we tried again. Come September, thought I was getting my period (always discouraging when you’re trying to get pregnant), but the bleeding was very light, and I started to feel some familiar tingles in my lower belly. One day, feeling like this might not actually be my period, I took a pregnancy strip test. Positive. I took one a few hours later. The line was darker. Pregnant. My husband came home from work. I left the tests in the bathroom with a silly note attached.
We were happy. We were pregnant again. I was feeling excited. I really thought there’s no way I’m going to have another miscarriage. All the blood tests and ultrasounds came back negative, we must have had bad luck the prior 2 times.
I told Enceladus that Mommy had a baby in her belly. She wondered what this meant and then started talking excitedly about these two new babies (“one girl baby, one boy baby”) that would be sleeping in her room with her. Hold up. I have no idea where she got the idea there were TWO babies. But that’s her imagination creating these stories. I told her I thought it was only going to be 1 baby. She was still excited.
I called the Doctor the day after I got that BFP (that stands for “big fat positive” on Mommy message boards) to make an appointment. As we previously discussed, I would go in for blood work immediately when I got a positive test this time around. She’d be monitoring me from the start. We would not be waiting for that 8 week ultrasound.
On that Monday I went in for my blood tests. I was still feeling good. The Doctor got the results rushed and within a few hours she sent me a message with the subject “good results so far”. I would be going in again on Wednesday for follow up blood tests to make sure that my numbers were increasing. This was the more important of the 2 appointments as it compared the 2 results.
The next day I picked Enceladus up from school. Her teacher pulled me aside and wanted to know if she could ask me something. Oh no, what did Enceladus do? She said that she told the class today that her belly was hurting and that Enceladus exclaimed to her “My Mommy has a baby in her belly!”. I laughed. I was NOT expecting my daughter’s preschool teacher to be the first person to know. I told her I was. She was happy. I was happy.
On Wednesday I went in for the followup blood tests, and then ran a bunch of errands that had to be done. There was no quick message from the Doctor that day. My husband got home from work late that night and asked what the results were, I told him I didn’t know yet.
Thursday came, that morning I didn’t hear anything. I was planning on going to a cooking event that evening so I took a quick shower in the afternoon. After showering, I glanced at my email. I saw a message from the Doctor. The subject only said “lab results”. There was no “good” included like the first one. I clicked the message, and quickly scanned it, heart racing. The only thing that I quickly saw were capital letters saying “I’M SO SORRY”.
Heart break. Another miscarriage. The hCG levels and progesterone levels were decreasing from Monday’s numbers. This was an early chemical pregnancy. I was 5 weeks. Miscarriage number 3.
I called my husband. He said when he saw my name light up on the phone, he already knew. I cried. I laid in bed, the cats knowing I was sad, cuddled on both sides of me. I told Matthew to bring me a donut home. Hey, comfort eating really does work.
That evening I told Enceladus that the baby was no longer in my belly. I told her it got sick and had to go bye bye. She looked at me and then nodded her head telling me the “baby went bye bye down the street, baby was sick, but Mommy ok and happy”. Her innocence was what I needed. I hugged her and kissed her. I kept hugging her. She told me she wanted to go play with her toys. Hah.
So here I am, the day after, writing this because I don’t know how to feel. I mean, I know how to feel. I am sad. I’m crampy. I started to bleed this morning. But I’m also cried out. It feels weird to go about your normal day activities when you’re going through a miscarriage, not to mention the 3rd one in 10 months. One half of me feels hopeless, the other half of me still feels positive. It’s complicated. Geeze, why am I still positive?
But here’s the problem. We still don’t know what’s causing the miscarriages. I have an appointment with the Doctor next week to discuss next steps. She thinks it could be caused by progesterone levels, so we’ll discuss what that means.
You might be wondering why I chose to write publicly about this? That’s easy. Sharing is knowledge and knowledge is power and power is love. I share to educate. I share to give hope. I share to let others know “I hear you, I can relate, and I know, this really really sucks.” I share to support. Miscarriages are common, although 3 isn’t extremely common, they happen to healthy women. It’s not your fault. I need to keep repeating that to myself. Pamela, it’s not your fault.
I’ll try to keep this post updated, but if you have any positive stories, I would absolutely love to hear them because that’s what I need to hear right now. I’ve been Googling like a wild woman, trying to find some hope from other women who’ve dealt with similar situations. Please leave a comment, find me on Instagram or send me a personal email. I welcome it all.
For now though, it’s time for me to go. Enceladus is on her way home from school and I can’t wait for my afternoon hug.
UPDATE 9/20: This story has a happy ending. Stay positive you guys!
Laura says
Hello, going through the same thing right now. Had 1 healthy daughter than started trying again 1 year after. 3 miscarriages in a row. Will be getting testing done to see if there is an underlying issue. It helps to know you are not alone.
Sam says
Hi Pamela,
I am going through the same and while browsing ai came across your article and its like reading my story.
I had one successful pregnancy and then 3 miscarriages in a row…
Can I ask what you did to take care of 4 th pregnancy to make it succesfull.
Any small info is helpful to me to be strong mentally
Thank you
KL says
This is almost an identical situation to mine, only that we struggled for nearly 1.5 years to conceive my son and then another year to conceive again. That 2nd pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I got pregnant 2 weeks later and that ended again. For years, I prayed and worked so hard to solve the problem of GETTING pregnant. Now that we finally solved it (husband’s sperm count), I can’t keep a baby. I’m so devastated and just want answers before I try again.
KL says
Can anybody who’s been through this and been successful tell me what worked? I’m working with an RE but the don’t seem to have any answers. Progesterone ✔️
Baby aspirin ✔️
What else helped?
Ayanna says
I’m so glad I found this. I just found out today that I’m having a miscarriage (#3). I’m having every type of emotion you can think of. Thankfully I have a beautiful son already but it’s so hurtful to keep having miscarriages. My doctor told me the 1st ultrasound (at 5.6 weeks) was perfect but came back today (at 7.6 weeks) and was told there was told there was a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. Same as last time just 6 mos ago. We are so heartbroken but at the same time have the faith that it’ll all work out. Praying for you all!
Jerry says
My wife and I have just experienced pretty much the same identical scenario. 3 misses in 12 months. Our first pregnancy was like yours uneventful and a success after the first its been an absolute emotional rollercoaster filled with mostly anxiety and sadness. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. As a man i cannot imagine the emotional and physical agony my wife must be going thru and at this point i am beginning to lose faith that a second child lies in our future. Reading your story does however provide a since of comfort in knowing that we aren’t alone . I am curious to find out your outcome wether it was successful or not and what steps have you taken in moving forward towards your dream of conceiving a second child. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Would be glad to receive your feedback
silvia says
Your story is very similar to mine, we had fall pregnant very easy in 2017, uneventful pregnancy and have a lovely daughter now.
Decided to try again last year and at the 6 weeks scan we found out there was no baby inside the place (anembryonic pregnancy), I had to have a DC as my body did not realize there was no baby. Fell pregnant again couple of months later only to miscarry at 5 weeks.
We thought it couldn’t happen again, we had our share of bad luck! So tried again over new years and fell pregnant again, similar to you I thought third time luck!
But… today I started bleeding again and the all too familiar sadness of miscarrying will keep me company for the next few days…
I will see my OB next week to discuss what is next…
Christina says
I have had 4 miscarriages in a row.
First baby made it to week 6 but didn’t have a heart beat. The other 3 could not make it to week 5. It’s been 7 months and the specialist still hasn’t contacted me. I just found out I’m 8 weeks pregnant with baby #5, and there is a heart beat. Torn between getting excited and being scared I will loose another one. There is nothing worse then getting your hopes up when you try your hardest not too, thinking to yourself ” I’ve had 3, this one has to make it” and loose another baby. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️ brings me hope that eventually a successful pregnancy will happen.
Alisha says
I’m in the middle of miscarriage number 3. 12 weeks, 8 weeks, and 7 weeks all in the last 16 months. I’ve done all the tests, everything is fine. I’m told it’s just bad luck, but I don’t think that’s true. There is probably an explanation, but there are no studies or literature on such a thing. It’s frustrating and disheartening to go through again.
Sue says
I’m so happy for you and you’ve given me hope I’m trying to stay positive after 2 miscarriages but it’s scary I also have no answers so thanks for sharing
Megan says
I am going through the exact same thing and wondering what steps to take next. I see you’ve just had a second baby though. Congrats! Brings hope to those of us still in the heartbreak. Did you do anything different the fourth pregnancy?
Christy Sirek says
Thank you for your vulnerability opening up about your journey.
I have three healthy children (ages 9,7,6) and in the last 10 months have had 3 surprise pregnancies all 3 ending in missed miscarriages (10 weeks, 7 weeks, 4 weeks). You become numb and don’t believe the positive pregnancy test. My heart aches for the babies I’ve lost, but I find hope in the stories other women share. We are not just a 1% statistic of three or more consecutive miscarriages-we are grieving mothers aching to hold onto our babies.
Leslie says
Hi! I came accross your blog just now because I was searching for some hope or at the very least a story similar to mine to make me feel better. I have a 3 year daughter and am in the middle of miscarriage number 3. 3 miscarriages within the past year and I’m crushed. Thank you for writing this. I hope you have gotten some answers. Much love to you. <3
Allison says
Same, Leslie. It’s crushing, but hearing that we’re not alone is some sort of comfort. Much Love.
Amy page says
I could have written this post word for word. My exact situation.
Aymi says
I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m experiencing the same after two completely uneventful successful pregnancies. It’s a very consuming process and sucks much of the joy out of any potential pregnancies. Sending good vibes your way! Would be curious to hear about your doctor’s plan for you!
Hannah says
Please get in touch through my personal email. I too have had 3 miscarriages and I am strong, positive but also feeling crappy and rough this time of year. Everyone is getting pregnant and I have my dog. It would help to have someone to talk to
N says
I may also be experiencing my 3rd miscarriage in a row right now. No living children. I started spotting today and am preparing for the worst. I feel so defective. All my friends are having baby after baby. And here I am, with my cats.
Chasity says
I know I had my 3rd miscarriage a couple days ago, I have no living kids and I’m almost 40, I’ve pretty much given up hope I will ever have kids